Monday, January 1, 2018

New Years Blessings

Hi, Crafty Friends,

I have to get dressed for work, so this will be short and sweet. Sweet because that is my wish for you and all your dear ones - sweet relationships with yourself and others, peace, beauty, well-being and creativity that uplifts your spirit and spreads joy to all.

Also, I am asking for warmer weather. It's -1 degrees just now, up from -7 when we got up this first day of 2018. We are not in North Dakota, Alaska or Wisconsin. Cold like this is rare in Kansas City. On the Gratitude side, my house is warm and toasty. I just gave Ollie a New Year's bath and am now heading to work with two delicious meals packed for myself. Yay, God! 

It is going to be a good year. I affirm the same for you!

I leave you with two photos: my card club group at our holiday dinner - Artistry ETC is the name. Join us any last Thursday of the month at Ink, Paper, Rubber in Overland Park, KS. The card is my most recent creation, made with great love for a dear friend recovering from surgery and facing extensive chemotherapy and radiation. How dare I complain about the cold, right.

Blessings and blue skies,
